Wikisource:Projetos/Textos audíveis/Leitura: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 12:
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Currently, there are no formal guidelines on Reading an article, and this can lead to a great deal of inconsistency and mistakes.<br />
Atualmente, não existem orientações formais sobre Leitura em artigos, e isto pode levar a uma grande quantidade de erros e incoerências<br />
Therefore, some are being collaborated below.
TheseEstas rulesregras aresão aum '''guideline'''<!--qual onlyseria a tradução para guideline--> somente. IfSe theas rulesregras preventimpedem youque fromvocê improvingmelhorare orou producingproduza auma recordinggravação, ignore them-as.<br />
Linha 73 ⟶ 75:
== PicturesFotos/ImagesImagens ==
You should always '''mention''' (but <u>not</u> describe) a picture in an article so that the listener is aware of this and knows to return to the article to look at the picture ''if'' he/she wants to. This is usually done by saying "Image: [Caption]" if the image has a caption, or just "Image" if the image has no caption. In certain cases you may wish to say "..and an image accompanied this section of the article, with the caption [caption]". <br />
<br />
Generally you should only describe pictures if: <br />
* TheA imageimagem hasnão notem captionnenhuma legenda '''ande'''
* TheO articleartigo doesnão notdescreve describea the pictureimagem '''ande'''
* O ouvinte se beneficiaria de uma descrição.
* The listener would benefit from such a description.
O artigo sobre a [[Gatos]], por exemplo, tem várias imagens, mas não é necessário descrevê-las porque elas têm legendas.<br />
The article on [[Cats]] for example has several images, but it is not necessary to describe them because they have captions.<br />
<br />
<!--Caso contrário, não tente descrever as imagens, pois isso pode conduzir a imprecisões, erros, desvio de um ponto de vista neutro, erros e irrelevância.-->
Otherwise, do not attempt to describe the pictures because this can lead to inaccuracy, bias, deviation from a neutral point of view, errors, and irrelevance.
As referências são úteis apenas para pessoas que querem encontrar mais informações sobre o artigo, ou para verificar as fontes do artigo. Como tal, não é recomendado que você leia as referências bibliográficas do artigo. Você pode, no entanto, informar o ouvinte que a remissão para as informações estão disponíveis na forma escrita do artigo.<br />
References are only useful for people who want to find more information about the article, or to check the sources of the article. As such it is not recommended that you read the references found in the article. You may however inform the listener that references to the information are available in the written form of the article.<br />
An article "closing" is to be formulated that will provide the listener with a standard set of additional information and disclaimers, and one of these lines might include "There are references available in the written form of this article - please be sure to verify information found on Wikipedia using the references provided or cross-referencing the information yourself".
==ExternalLigações Linksexternas==
External links are read to inform the listener that there are additional links about their article on the internet (should they wish to return to the written article to access them). Therefore, you should not read the actual web addresses of any of the links.
Categorias não deve ser lidas.
Categories should not be read.
== Quotations<!--Citações?-->==
The listener should be able to discern a quotation. The best method you use to identify the quote depends on whether there is an introductory phrase in the text, and the length of the quote.