Em Tradução:Billy Budd/I: diferenças entre revisões

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<font color=red>Plump upon Billy at first sight in the gangway the boarding officer Lieutenant Ratcliff pounced, even before the merchantman's crew was formally mustered on the quarter-deck for his deliberate inspection. And him only he elected.</font>
Reparando logo à primeira vista em Billy na prancha de embarque o oficial de recrutamento Tenente Radcliff decidiu-se rapidamente, mesmo antes que a tripulação do mercador fosse formalmente alinhada no convés dos oficiais para a sua inspecção cuidada. E ele apenas foi eleito.
<font color=red>For whether it was because the other men when ranged before him showed to ill advantage after Billy, or whether he had some scruples in view of the merchantman being rather short-handed, however it might be, the officer contented himself with his first spontaneous choice. </font>
Porque quer tivesse sido porque os outros homens quando formados frente a si mostravam claras desvantagens face a Billy, quer porque tivesse alguns escrupúlos quanto à escassez de recursos do mercador, ou por qualquer outra razão, o oficial ficou satisfeito com a sua primeira e espontânea escolha.
<font color=red>To the surprise of the ship's company, though much to the Lieutenant's satisfaction, Billy made no demur.
<font color=red>But,To indeed,the anysurprise demurof wouldthe haveship's beencompany, asthough idlemuch asto the protestLieutenant's ofsatisfaction, aBilly goldfinchmade poppedno into a cagedemur. </font>
Para surpresa da tripulação do navio, mas também para grande satisfação do Tenente, Billy não contestou a escolha.
<font color=red>Noting this uncomplaining acquiescence, all but cheerful one might say, the shipmates turned a surprised glance of silent reproach at the sailor.
<font color=red>TheBut, Shipmasterindeed, wasany onedemur ofwould thosehave worthybeen mortalsas foundidle in every vocation, evenas the humbler ones- the sortprotest of persona whomgoldfinch everybodypopped agreesinto in calling "a respectable mancage." </font>
Mas, de facto, qualquer oposição teria sido tão inócua como o protesto de um pintasilgo atirado para dentro de uma gaiola.
<font color=red>And- nor so strange to report as it may appear to be- though a ploughman of the troubled waters, life-long contending with the intractable elements, there was nothing this honest soul at heart loved better than simple peace and quiet.
<font color=red>Noting this uncomplaining acquiescence, all but cheerful one might say, the shipmates turned a surprised glance of silent reproach at the sailor. </font>
Reparando nesta aquiescência serena, poder-se-ia dizer que quase satisfeita, os camaradas lançaram um olhar surpreendido de repreensão silenciosa ao marinheiro.
<font color=red>The Shipmaster was one of those worthy mortals found in every vocation, even the humbler ones- the sort of person whom everybody agrees in calling "a respectable man."</font>
O Comandante era um desses indivíduos de valor que existem em cada vocação, mesmo nas mais humildes- o tipo de pessoa a quem todos concordam em apelidar "um homem respeitável."
<font color=red>And- nor so strange to report as it may appear to be- though a ploughman of the troubled waters, life-long contending with the intractable elements, there was nothing this honest soul at heart loved better than simple peace and quiet. </font>
E- menos estranho de contar do que poderia parecer- embora um lavrador dos mares bravios, habituado a uma vida inteira de lua contra os intratáveis elementos, não havia nada que esta honesta alma amasse mais que simples paz e sossego.
<font color=red>For the rest, he was fifty or thereabouts, a little inclined to corpulence, a prepossessing face, unwhiskered, and of an agreeable color- a rather full face, humanely intelligent in expression.
De resto, tinha cinquenta anos ou por aí, um pouco inclinado à corpulência, uma face simpática, sem barba, e de uma cor agradável- uma cara completa, de expressão humanamente inteligente.
<font color=red>On a fair day with a fair wind and all going well, a certain musical chime in his voice seemed to be the veritable unobstructed outcome of the innermost man.
<font color=red>On a fair day with a fair wind and all going well, a certain musical chime in his voice seemed to be the veritable unobstructed outcome of the innermost man. </font>
Num dia calmo de vento calmo e com tudo a correr bem, um certo repicar na sua voz parecia ser o verdadeiro reflexo não deturpado do seu mais profundo ser.
<font color=red>He had much prudence, much conscientiousness, and there were occasions when these virtues were the cause of overmuch disquietude in him.