Em Tradução:Billy Budd/I: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 122:
<font color=red>He had much prudence, much conscientiousness, and there were occasions when these virtues were the cause of overmuch disquietude in him.</font>
Tinha muita prudência, muita ponderação, e houve ocasiões em que essas virtudes foram nele causa de excessiva inquietação.
<font color=red>On a passage, so long as his craft was in any proximity to land, no sleep for Captain Graveling. </font>
Num estreito, enquanto o seu navio estivesse por perto de terra, nada de dormir para o Capitão Gravelling.
<font color=red>On a passage, so long as his craft was in any proximity to land, no sleep for Captain Graveling.
<font color=red>He took to heart those serious responsibilities not so heavily borne by some shipmasters.</font>
Levava a peito essas sérias responsabilidades a que alguns comandantes de navio não aderiam tão intensamente.
<font color=red>Now while Billy Budd was down in the forecastle getting his kit together, the Indomitable's Lieutenant, burly and bluff, nowise disconcerted by Captain Graveling's omitting to proffer the customary hospitalities on an occasion so unwelcome to him, an omission simply caused by preoccupation of thought, unceremoniously invited himself into the cabin, and also to a flask from the spirit-locker, a receptacle which his experienced eye instantly discovered.
<font color=red>Now while Billy Budd was down in the forecastle getting his kit together, the Indomitable's Lieutenant, burly and bluff, nowise disconcerted by Captain Graveling's omitting to proffer the customary hospitalities on an occasion so unwelcome to him, an omission simply caused by preoccupation of thought, unceremoniously invited himself into the cabin, and also to a flask from the spirit-locker, a receptacle which his experienced eye instantly discovered. </font>
<font color=red>In fact he was one of those sea-dogs in whom all the hardship and peril of naval life in the great prolonged wars of his time never impaired the natural instinct for sensuous enjoyment.
Pois enquanto Billy Budd estava lá em baixo no castelo de proa arrumando as suas coisas, o Tenente do Indomitable, pesado e intimidante, de forma alguma desconcertado pela omissão do Capitão Graveling ao não oferecer as hospitalidades usuais numa ocasião tão desagradável para ele, omissão simplesmente causada por estar com a mente absorta com outros assuntos, fez-se convidado sem cerimónia para a cabina, e também para uma garrafa do armário dos licores, um recipiente que o seu olho experiente instantaneamente descobriu.
<font color=red>His duty he always faithfully did; but duty is sometimes a dry obligation, and he was for irrigating its aridity, whensoever possible, with a fertilizing decoction of strong waters.
<font color=red>In fact he was one of those sea-dogs in whom all the hardship and peril of naval life in the great prolonged wars of his time never impaired the natural instinct for sensuous enjoyment. </font>
<font color=red>For the cabin's proprietor there was nothing left but to play the part of the enforced host with whatever grace and alacrity were practicable.
Na realidade era um desses lobos marinhos para os quais todas as dificuldades e perigos da vida no mar durante as grandes e intermináveis guerras do seu tempo nunca enfraqueceram o instinto natural para os prazeres dos sentidos.
<font color=red>His duty he always faithfully did; but duty is sometimes a dry obligation, and he was for irrigating its aridity, whensoever possible, with a fertilizing decoction of strong waters. </font>
Cumpria sempre fielmente os seus deveres; mas o dever é por vezez uma obrigação árida, e ele era partidário da irrigação da sua aridez, sempre que possível, por uma infusão fertilizante de líquidos potentes.
<font color=red>For the cabin's proprietor there was nothing left but to play the part of the enforced host with whatever grace and alacrity were practicable. </font>
Para o proprietário da cabina
<font color=red>As necessary adjuncts to the flask, he silently placed tumbler and water-jug before the irrepressible guest.