Em Tradução:Billy Budd/I: diferenças entre revisões

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Penso que durou cerca de meio minuto. E, abençoado seja, o trapalhão ficou assombrado com a celeridade. E acredite, Tenente, o Red Whiskers agora adora realmente o Billy- adora-o ou é o maior hipócrita que eu já vi.
<font color=red>But theyall love him. Some of 'em do his washing, darn his old trousers for him; the carpenter is at odd times making a pretty little chest of drawers for him. </font>
Mas todos o adoram. Alguns deles fazem-lhe a lavagem, remendam-lhe as calças velhas; nos tempos livres o carpinteiro vai~lhe fazendo um bonito bauzinho com gavetas.
<font color=red>Anybody will do anything for Billy Budd; and it's the happy family here. But now, Lieutenant, if that young fellow goes- I know how it will be aboard the Rights. Not again very soon shall I, coming up from dinner, lean over the capstan smoking a quiet pipe- no, not very soon again, I think. Ay, Lieutenant, you are going to take away the jewel of 'em; you are going to take away my peacemaker!" And with that the good soul had really some ado in checking a rising sob.</font>
Qualquer um fará qualquer coisa para Billy Budd; somos aqui uma família feliz. Mas agora, Tenente, se esse jovem se for embora- sei como irão ficar as coisas a bordo do navio. Não será em breve que eu, a seguir ao jantar, me poderei reclinar sobre o cabrestante a fumar calmamente um cachimbo- não, penso que não será tão cedo.
<font color=red>"Well," said the officer who had listened with amused interest to all this, and now waxing merry with his tipple; "Well, blessed are the peacemakers, especially the fighting peacemakers! And such are the seventy- four beauties some of which you see poking their noses out of the port-holes of yonder war-ship lying-to for me," pointing thro' the cabin window at the Indomitable.
<font color=red>"Well," said the officer who had listened with amused interest to all this, and now waxing merry with his tipple; "Well, blessed are the peacemakers, especially the fighting peacemakers! And such are the seventy- four beauties some of which you see poking their noses out of the port-holes of yonder war-ship lying-to for me," pointing thro' the cabin window at the Indomitable. </font>
<font color=red>"But courage! don't look so downhearted, man. Why, I pledge you in advance the royal approbation. Rest assured that His Majesty will be delighted to know that in a time when his hard tack is not sought for by sailors with such avidity as should be; a time also when some shipmasters privily resent the borrowing from them a tar or two for the service; His Majesty, I say, will be delighted to learn that one shipmaster at least cheerfully surrenders to the King, the flower of his flock, a sailor who with equal loyalty makes no dissent.- But where's my beauty? Ah," looking through the cabin's open door, "Here he comes; and, by Jove- lugging along his chest- Apollo with his portmanteau!- My man," stepping out to him, "you can't take that big box aboard a war-ship. The boxes there are mostly shot-boxes. Put your duds in a bag, lad. Boot and saddle for the cavalryman, bag and hammock for the man-of-war's man."
"Bom," disse o oficial que tinha ouvido tudo isto com um interesse divertido, agora mais alegre pela bebida; "Bom, abençoados os pacificadores, especialmente os pacificadores guerreiros! E assim são as setenta e quatro beldades
<font color=red>"But courage! don't look so downhearted, man. Why, I pledge you in advance the royal approbation.
<font color=red>"But courage! don't look so downhearted, man. Why, I pledge you in advance the royal approbation. Rest assured that His Majesty will be delighted to know that in a time when his hard tack is not sought for by sailors with such avidity as should be; a time also when some shipmasters privily resent the borrowing from them a tar or two for the service; His Majesty, I say, will be delighted to learn that one shipmaster at least cheerfully surrenders to the King, the flower of his flock, a sailor who with equal loyalty makes no dissent.- But where's my beauty? Ah," looking through the cabin's open door, "Here he comes; and, by Jove- lugging along his chest- Apollo with his portmanteau!- My man," stepping out to him, "you can't take that big box aboard a war-ship. The boxes there are mostly shot-boxes. Put your duds in a bag, lad. Boot and saddle for the cavalryman, bag and hammock for the man-of-war's man."
<font color=red>The boxes there are mostly shot-boxes. Put your duds in a bag, lad. Boot and saddle for the cavalryman, bag and hammock for the man-of-war's man."
<font color=red>The transfer from chest to bag was made. And, after seeing his man into the cutter and then following him down, the Lieutenant pushed off from the Rights-of-Man.