Em Tradução:Billy Budd/I: diferenças entre revisões

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Linha 27:
2 <font color=red>In certain instances they would flank, or, like a body-guard quite surround some superior figure of their own class, moving along with them like Aldebaran among the lesser lights of his constellation.</font>
Ladeando por vezes, ou como guarda-costas completamente rodeando um exemplar superior da sua classe, como Aldebaran<ref>[[w:pt:Aldebarã|Aldebaran]], a estrela mais brilhante da [[w:pt:Taurus|constelação Touro]]</ref> entre as estrelas menoresmenos brilhantes da sua constelação.
3 <font color=red>That signal object was the "Handsome Sailor" of the less prosaic time alike of the military and merchant navies. With no perceptible trace of the vainglorious about him, rather with the off-hand unaffectedness of natural regality, he seemed to accept the spontaneous homage of his shipmates.</font>