Monteiro Lobato

meter. To the eye of the reader this gives the appearance of sudden change in depth, suggesting faults, yet if the reader were to draw lines through identical horizons in adjacent wells, he would find that none slopes more than 5.° a common dip on the small folds of the region, etc.”.


Despistamento geologico...


Mais adiante Washburne declara: “Even should many faults exist in the interior of the states of S. Paulo and Paraná, and if the rocks were higly jointed, which they are not, experience elsewhere shows that these condition do not prevent the retention of oil in profitable pools, nor do they necessarily cause any seepage of oil. Thus in most of the highly faulted fields of the Rocky Mountains, oil seepages are lacking, even in places where productive sands lie within 1.500 feet of the ground surface; and in the Salt Creek field, Wyoming, numerous faults have not permited recent communications between a great area of salt water in the First Wall Creek sand, and oil in the Second Wall Creek sand only a few hundred feet below it. Not merely do faults fail to destroy many oi fields, but commonly they fail even to create surficial seepage. Oppenheim’s statement that the lines of chapopoteras in Mexico occur along faults, is open to question, for wells fail to reveal corresponding displacement in the shallow strata”. Etc.